Art for Good

More than anything, I want my work to matter...

... to bring joy both to myself and to those who see it. I also want my art to find a happy home. Sometimes the best way to do that is to give it away. I love to surprise someone with a piece of art that is hand-selected just for them in hopes that it will ease a burden or make them feel cared for. If you have a suggestion from someone who could really use a gift of art, please let me know.

Stephanie, a single mother who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, was in need of some extra love and attention during grueling treatments. I surprised her with a 30x40 pink tree piece, which was symbolic on multiple levels. It represented the strength of women who were there for her to hold her up and love her through such a hard time and also represented the seasons we go through – some harder than others. We installed the painting in her bedroom where she would see it first thing every morning. She told me that the painting was a strong reminder to her that she was not alone and that there was a group of people in her life thinking about her and praying for her.

I picked out a bright red poppies painting to give to my dear friend Todd when his younger brother Matt died. It was a heart-wrenching time for him and I knew that sending fresh flowers just wouldn’t suffice. I wanted him to have something that would last and that would remind him of the happiness Matt brought to his whole world. “ Your painting is gorgeous and so full of meaning.  I can’t thank you enough. I haven't sent you a pic of your painting because it has moved a few times.  I see it every day and it inspires me to paint. I so love it. And I love what it means - I feel such joy around my brother… and eternal life.  Thank you for being amazing.”