One Great (W)hole, 2021

One Great (W)hole, 2021 Acrylic on Canvas 30x48.jpg
One Great (W)hole, 2021 Acrylic on Canvas 30x48.jpg
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One Great (W)hole, 2021


Acrylic on Canvas
Click on the image to see the full painting

In memory of my friend, peer, and niece Annie Kershisnik Blake. This tree was inspired by Annie's provocative Venn diagram art. My trees typically represent the Divine Feminine and this one is no different - and for emphasis, she has a speech bubble. Now it also represents Annie who always had something really interesting to say. The leaves are each of us and where we overlap there is often something important happening. We connect and amplify where there is commonality, yet the real beauty lies in the whole. The piece also speaks to the hole that Annie leaves behind.

A portion of the proceeds of this piece will go to helping Annie's partner and her kids.

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